How to Choose Your Ideal Wedding Venue. P #1

Without a doubt, getting married is one of the most significant, exciting, and memorable days in anyone’s life.

Yet a lot of couples arrive at this big day with a lot of sleepless nights, long discussions, heated arguments, differences in opinion, and stressful decisions under their belt.

What lies behind the stress is a simple fact that we rarely consider wedding planning when we get engaged. All we can think of is the happily ever after, forgetting there’s a bit of a rough patch in between.

In order to help you through the headaches of wedding venue search and wedding planning nightmares you might be facing, let’s explore one of the main topics on all couples’ minds: what to look for in a wedding venue? And how to choose a wedding venue.

A personal choice

The first thing to consider when looking for wedding venues is who you are as a couple.

Would you like to host a black-tie event where everybody dresses up to the nines and dances to classic wedding tunes? Or are you looking for something more modern with an R’n’B twist?

Perhaps you would like to host a Hawaiian luau or something out of Game of Thrones even?

Whatever theme you choose to go for, you also need to make sure that the venue matches the style and atmosphere. 

This is why we’d recommend choosing the overarching theme first, and only looking at venues that would be a fit, rather than looking at spaces that are not even close to what you need.